# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006- Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. namespace :redmine do namespace :attachments do desc 'Removes uploaded files left unattached after one day.' task :prune => :environment do Attachment.prune end desc 'Moves attachments stored at the root of the file directory (ie. created before Redmine 2.3) to their subdirectories' task :move_to_subdirectories => :environment do Attachment.move_from_root_to_target_directory end desc 'Updates attachment digests to SHA256' task :update_digests => :environment do Attachment.update_digests_to_sha256 end end namespace :tokens do desc 'Removes expired tokens.' task :prune => :environment do Token.destroy_expired end end namespace :users do desc 'Removes registered users that have not been activated after a number of days. Use DAYS to set the number of days, defaults to 30 days.' task :prune => :environment do days = 30 env_days = ENV['DAYS'] if env_days if env_days.to_i <= 0 abort "Invalid DAYS #{env_days} given. The value must be a integer." else days = env_days.to_i end end User.prune(days.days) end end namespace :watchers do desc 'Removes watchers from what they can no longer view.' task :prune => :environment do Watcher.prune end end desc 'Fetch changesets from the repositories' task :fetch_changesets => :environment do Repository.fetch_changesets end desc 'Migrates plugins.' task :plugins do Rake::Task["redmine:plugins:migrate"].invoke end desc <<-DESC FOR EXPERIMENTAL USE ONLY, Moves Redmine data from production database to the development database. This task should only be used when you need to move data from one DBMS to a different one (eg. MySQL to PostgreSQL). WARNING: All data in the development database is deleted. DESC task :migrate_dbms => :environment do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection :development target_tables = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection :production tables = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.sort - %w(schema_migrations plugin_schema_info) if (tables - target_tables).any? list = (tables - target_tables).map {|table| "* #{table}"}.join("\n") abort "The following table(s) are missing from the target database:\n#{list}" end tables.each do |table_name| Source = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) Target = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) Target.establish_connection(:development) [Source, Target].each do |klass| klass.table_name = table_name klass.reset_column_information klass.inheritance_column = "foo" klass.record_timestamps = false end Target.primary_key = (Target.column_names.include?("id") ? "id" : nil) source_count = Source.count puts "Migrating %6d records from #{table_name}..." % source_count Target.delete_all offset = 0 while (objects = Source.offset(offset).limit(5000).order("1,2").to_a) && objects.any? offset += objects.size Target.transaction do objects.each do |object| new_object = Target.new(object.attributes) new_object.id = object.id if Target.primary_key new_object.save(:validate => false) end end end Target.connection.reset_pk_sequence!(table_name) if Target.primary_key target_count = Target.count abort "Some records were not migrated" unless source_count == target_count Object.send(:remove_const, :Target) Object.send(:remove_const, :Source) end end namespace :plugins do desc 'Migrates installed plugins.' task :migrate => :environment do name = ENV['NAME'] version = nil version_string = ENV['VERSION'] if version_string if version_string =~ /^\d+$/ version = version_string.to_i if name.nil? abort "The VERSION argument requires a plugin NAME." end else abort "Invalid VERSION #{version_string} given." end end begin Redmine::Plugin.migrate(name, version) rescue Redmine::PluginNotFound abort "Plugin #{name} was not found." end Rake::Task["db:schema:dump"].invoke end desc 'Runs the plugins tests.' task :test do test_files = FileList[ "plugins/#{ENV['NAME'] || '*'}/test/unit/**/*_test.rb", "plugins/#{ENV['NAME'] || '*'}/test/functional/**/*_test.rb", "plugins/#{ENV['NAME'] || '*'}/test/integration/**/*_test.rb", "plugins/#{ENV['NAME'] || '*'}/test/system/**/*_test.rb" ] if test_files.any? $: << "test" Rails::TestUnit::Runner.run_from_rake 'test', test_files end end namespace :test do desc 'Runs the plugins unit tests.' task :units => "db:test:prepare" do |t| test_files = FileList["plugins/#{ENV['NAME'] || '*'}/test/unit/**/*_test.rb"] if test_files.any? $: << "test" Rails::TestUnit::Runner.run_from_rake 'test', test_files end end desc 'Runs the plugins functional tests.' task :functionals => "db:test:prepare" do |t| test_files = FileList["plugins/#{ENV['NAME'] || '*'}/test/functional/**/*_test.rb"] if test_files.any? $: << "test" Rails::TestUnit::Runner.run_from_rake 'test', test_files end end desc 'Runs the plugins integration tests.' task :integration => "db:test:prepare" do |t| test_files = FileList["plugins/#{ENV['NAME'] || '*'}/test/integration/**/*_test.rb"] if test_files.any? $: << "test" Rails::TestUnit::Runner.run_from_rake 'test', test_files end end desc 'Runs the plugins system tests.' task :system => "db:test:prepare" do |t| test_files = FileList["plugins/#{ENV['NAME'] || '*'}/test/system/**/*_test.rb"] if test_files.any? $: << "test" Rails::TestUnit::Runner.run_from_rake 'test', test_files end end desc 'Runs the plugins ui tests.' task :ui => "db:test:prepare" do |t| test_files = FileList["plugins/#{ENV['NAME'] || '*'}/test/ui/**/*_test.rb"] if test_files.any? $: << "test" Rails::TestUnit::Runner.run_from_rake 'test', test_files end end end end end # Load plugins' rake tasks Dir[File.join(Rails.root, "plugins/*/lib/tasks/**/*.rake")].sort.each { |ext| load ext }