Class ActiveRecord::Errors
In: lib/gloc-rails.rb
Parent: Object


Included Modules


External Aliases

add -> add_without_gloc

Public Instance methods

The GLoc version of this method provides two extra features

  • If msg is a string, it will be considered a GLoc string key.
  • If msg is an array, the first element will be considered the string and the remaining elements will be considered arguments for the string. Eg. [‘Hi %s.’,’John’]


     # File lib/gloc-rails.rb, line 141
141:     def add(attribute, msg= @@default_error_messages[:invalid])
142:       if msg.is_a?(Array)
143:         args= msg.clone
144:         msg= args.shift
145:         args= nil if args.empty?
146:       end
147:       msg= ltry(msg)
148:       msg= msg % args unless args.nil?
149:       add_without_gloc(attribute, msg)
150:     end

Inherits the current language from the base record.


     # File lib/gloc-rails.rb, line 152
152:     def current_language
153:       @base.current_language
154:     end
