Module GLoc
In: lib/gloc-helpers.rb

Copyright © 2005-2006 David Barri


Included Modules

::GLoc::InstanceMethods ::GLoc::InstanceMethods

Classes and Modules

Module GLoc::ClassMethods
Module GLoc::Helpers
Module GLoc::InstanceMethods


RULES = {}
UTF_8 = 'utf-8'
SHIFT_JIS = 'sjis'
EUC_JP = 'euc-jp'

External Aliases

clear_strings -> _clear_strings

Public Class methods

Adds a collection of localized strings to the in-memory string store.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 113
113:     def add_localized_strings(lang, symbol_hash, override=true, strings_charset=nil)
114:       _verbose_msg {"Adding #{symbol_hash.size} #{lang} strings."}
115:       _add_localized_strings(lang, symbol_hash, override, strings_charset)
116:       _verbose_msg :stats
117:     end

Creates a backup of the internal state of GLoc (ie. strings, langs, rules, config) and optionally clears everything.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 121
121:     def backup_state(clear=false)
122:       s={|o| o.clone}
123:       _get_internal_state_vars.each{|o| o.clear} if clear
124:       s
125:     end

Removes all localized strings from memory, either of a certain language (or languages), or entirely.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 129
129:     def clear_strings(*languages)
130:       if languages.empty?
131:         _verbose_msg {"Clearing all strings"}
132:         LOCALIZED_STRINGS.clear
133:         LOWERCASE_LANGUAGES.clear
134:       else
135:         languages.each {|l|
136:           _verbose_msg {"Clearing :#{l} strings"}
137:           l= l.to_sym
138:           LOCALIZED_STRINGS.delete l
139:           LOWERCASE_LANGUAGES.each_pair {|k,v| LOWERCASE_LANGUAGES.delete k if v == l}
140:         }
141:       end
142:     end

Removes all localized strings from memory, except for those of certain specified languages.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 146
146:     def clear_strings_except(*languages)
147:       clear= (LOCALIZED_STRINGS.keys - languages)
148:       _clear_strings(*clear) unless clear.empty?
149:     end

Returns the default language


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 108
108:     def current_language
109:       GLoc::CONFIG[:default_language]
110:     end

Returns the charset used to store localized strings in memory.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 152
152:     def get_charset(lang)
153:       CONFIG[:internal_charset_per_lang][lang] || CONFIG[:internal_charset]
154:     end

Returns a GLoc configuration value.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 157
157:     def get_config(key)
158:       CONFIG[key]
159:     end

Loads the localized strings that are included in the GLoc library.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 162
162:     def load_gloc_default_localized_strings(override=false)
163:       GLoc.load_localized_strings "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lang", override
164:     end

Loads localized strings from all yml files in the specifed directory.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 167
167:     def load_localized_strings(dir=nil, override=true)
168:       _charset_required
169:       _get_lang_file_list(dir).each {|filename|
171:         # Load file
172:         raw_hash = YAML::load(
173:         raw_hash={} unless raw_hash.kind_of?(Hash)
174:         filename =~ /([^\/\\]+)\.ya?ml$/
175:         lang = $1.to_sym
176:         file_charset = raw_hash['file_charset'] || UTF_8
178:         # Convert string keys to symbols
179:         dest_charset= get_charset(lang)
180:         _verbose_msg {"Reading file #{filename} [charset: #{file_charset} --> #{dest_charset}]"}
181:         symbol_hash = {}
182:, file_charset) do |i|
183:           raw_hash.each {|key, value|
184:             symbol_hash[key.to_sym] = i.iconv(value)
185:           }
186:         end
188:         # Add strings to repos
189:         _add_localized_strings(lang, symbol_hash, override)
190:       }
191:       _verbose_msg :stats
192:     end

Restores a backup of GLoc’s internal state that was made with backup_state.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 195
195:     def restore_state(state)
196:       _get_internal_state_vars.each do |o|
197:         o.clear
198:         o.send o.respond_to?(:merge!) ? :merge! : :concat, state.shift
199:       end
200:     end

Sets the charset used to internally store localized strings. You can set the charset to use for a specific language or languages, or if none are specified the charset for ALL localized strings will be set.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 205
205:     def set_charset(new_charset, *langs)
206:       CONFIG[:internal_charset_per_lang] ||= {}
208:       # Convert symbol shortcuts
209:       if new_charset.is_a?(Symbol)
210:         new_charset= case new_charset
211:           when :utf8, :utf_8 then UTF_8
212:           when :sjis, :shift_jis, :shiftjis then SHIFT_JIS
213:           when :eucjp, :euc_jp then EUC_JP
214:           else new_charset.to_s
215:           end
216:       end
218:       # Convert existing strings
219:       (langs.empty? ? LOCALIZED_STRINGS.keys : langs).each do |lang|
220:         cur_charset= get_charset(lang)
221:         if cur_charset && new_charset != cur_charset
222:           _verbose_msg {"Converting :#{lang} strings from #{cur_charset} to #{new_charset}"}
223: , cur_charset) do |i|
224:             bundle= LOCALIZED_STRINGS[lang]
225:             bundle.each_pair {|k,v| bundle[k]= i.iconv(v)}
226:           end
227:         end
228:       end
230:       # Set new charset value
231:       if langs.empty?
232:         _verbose_msg {"Setting GLoc charset for all languages to #{new_charset}"}
233:         CONFIG[:internal_charset]= new_charset
234:         CONFIG[:internal_charset_per_lang].clear
235:       else
236:         langs.each do |lang|
237:           _verbose_msg {"Setting GLoc charset for :#{lang} strings to #{new_charset}"}
238:           CONFIG[:internal_charset_per_lang][lang]= new_charset
239:         end
240:       end
241:     end

Sets GLoc configuration values.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 244
244:     def set_config(hash)
245:       CONFIG.merge! hash
246:     end

Sets the $KCODE global variable according to a specified charset, or else the current default charset for the default language.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 250
250:     def set_kcode(charset=nil)
251:       _charset_required
252:       charset ||= get_charset(current_language)
253:       $KCODE= case charset
254:         when UTF_8 then 'u'
255:         when SHIFT_JIS then 's'
256:         when EUC_JP then 'e'
257:         else 'n'
258:         end
259:       _verbose_msg {"$KCODE set to #{$KCODE}"}
260:     end

Tries to find a valid language that is similar to the argument passed. Eg. :en, :en_au, :EN_US are all similar languages. Returns nil if no similar languages are found.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 265
265:     def similar_language(lang)
266:       return nil if lang.nil?
267:       return lang.to_sym if valid_language?(lang)
268:       # Check lowercase without dashes
269:       lang= lang.to_s.downcase.gsub('-','_')
270:       return LOWERCASE_LANGUAGES[lang] if LOWERCASE_LANGUAGES.has_key?(lang)
271:       # Check without dialect
272:       if lang.to_s =~ /^([a-z]+?)[^a-z].*/
273:         lang= $1
274:         return LOWERCASE_LANGUAGES[lang] if LOWERCASE_LANGUAGES.has_key?(lang)
275:       end
276:       # Check other dialects
277:       lang= "#{lang}_"
278:       LOWERCASE_LANGUAGES.keys.each {|k| return LOWERCASE_LANGUAGES[k] if k.starts_with?(lang)}
279:       # Nothing found
280:       nil
281:     end

Returns true if there are any localized strings for a specified language. Note that although set_langauge nil is perfectly valid, nil is not a valid language.


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 290
290:     def valid_language?(language)
291:       LOCALIZED_STRINGS.has_key? language.to_sym rescue false
292:     end

Returns an array of (currently) valid languages (ie. languages for which localized data exists).


     # File lib/gloc.rb, line 284
284:     def valid_languages
285:       LOCALIZED_STRINGS.keys
286:     end

Public Instance methods

Returns the instance-level current language, or if not set, returns the class-level current language.


    # File lib/gloc.rb, line 77
77:   def current_language
78:     @gloc_language || self.class.current_language
79:   end
